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What a difference a year makes. During the first quarter of 2008, few mortgage lenders realized that FHA and VA mortgages were to become the key growth products in their markets. In metropolitan Minneapolis, only 1,903 FHA and VA mortgages totaling $370 million were originated in the first three months of 2008. The volume in the first three months of 2009 was triple over the same period in 2008. FHAVA originations passed $1 billion.
The Minneapolis mortgage market’s “green shoot” is The Business Bank of Minnetonka. The Business Bank, whose mortgage division is known as Prime Mortgage, gained the largest market share during over the past year. In the Minneapolis market area, The Business Bank ranked 19th in FHA VA mortgage originations during the first quarter in 2008. Now in 2009 they are second in the market right behind Wells Fargo. A local bank is about to challenge Well’s first place position.
Welcome The Business Bank to the big boy club of Minneapolis!
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