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The New Orleans mortgage market use to be dominated by the large national bank holding companies. You would need to look back a long time ago to not see mortgage lenders such as Countrywide, JP Morgan Chase, and Wells Fargo as the leaders of the New Orleans mortgage market.
Things are different in 2009. Banks and mortgage lenders headquartered here in New Orleans metro are out performing the national companies. The report above provides mortgage market share of mortgage lenders who originated conventional purchase mortgages in New Orleans for the first quarter of 2009. Gulf Coast Bank and Trust is the leader. Standard Mortgage and Whitney National Bank are near the top in conventional mortgages.
The market share report below describes FHA mortgage market share. Gulf Coast Bank and Trust leads the New Orleans mortgage market originating the most FHA purchase mortgages in 2007. Eustis Mortgage and Standard Mortgage are second and third in FHA mortgages in New Orleans.
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